CALM Presence

Course Overview

In working with people who experience distress, feelings of fatigue, burnout and stress can seem unavoidable. However, by finding ways to nourish our own wellbeing – cultivating our own innate capacities for mindfulness and compassion – we can discover that not only are we better able to cope, we can realise a more sensitive, wiser and more responsive approach to the people we work with. Relationships are at the heart of the work we do and growing our strengths of calmness and presence brings about the possibility of Reciprocal Flourishing.

This course has been developed for those who have completed the CALM Core Theory Course and wish to explore strengthening our capacities for self-awareness, self-regulation and self-care. For all of us in a care-giving or supportive role the focus on ourselves can seem uncomfortable at first; but the more we resource ourselves, the more energy, availability and presence we have for others.

How CALM Core Theory Online Works

Our digital learning environment will facilitate deep learning through a range of different exercises and modalities. With videos, podcasts, online assessment, reflective work, and lessons all hosted on an ultramodern learning platform, the CALM training experience and expertise is available at your fingertips.

Work through the online units at times that suit your schedule. There are 8 self-study online units. Each module is assessed and tracked online. 

Join a passionate cohort of like-minded individuals for our LIVE seminar component. Each course will finish with a live seminar to draw learning together and allow for reflection, group discussion, connection to practice and for questions to be posed and answered. 

The online course can be undertaken unit by unit at a pace that suits participants, with a duration agreed to suit each organisation.

You can also have your organisation bulk buy places and use them at a later date. They will not expire.

What you’ll learn

The evidence behind the efficacy of the practices
behind the efficacy of the practices
How teams can take care of themselves and each other in order to create a more supportive and compassionate environment
Mindfulness and Compassion practices
The impact of our quality of presence in our relationships and evidence and practices supporting Reciprocal Flourishing
How to recognise and grow our inherent strengths
How to work compassionately with our habits of reactivity
Upset Caucasian teenage girl gestures and looks at her mom while discussing problems with a counselor.


Who is This Course For?

CALM Core Theory Online is not a one-size-fits-all approach; we have tailored programmes to speak to the unique challenges and situations of several sectors. Below are a few examples of the types of services and individual roles who have benefitted from this course. This list is not exhaustive so if you do not see your sector/role – get in touch and we can help you find the course for you!


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