It's important that everyone has a voice
We're setting up a CALM Community Forum!
We want all of our CALM community to to have an opportunity to share what matters to them and for that that to be included in and help to shape what we do.
We know that the more perspectives we integrate into our content, the richer and more meaningful it will be.
We welcome the views of people working across different sectors, families, those have been supported, and those who have lived experience of trauma or care, and we recognise that many people who work in the service of others bring lots of their own experience as well as their expertise, and we welcome all of the knowledge and wisdom that brings.
We pride ourselves at CALM for being research and evidence based in our learning content, but we also know how important other ways of knowing and experiencing are.
So, we are inviting you, our community, to join the CALM Community Forum. We are looking for volunteers who are willing to be alongside us in making sure that what we offer and how we support organisations continues to be trauma responsive and rights respecting. We want people alongside us who believe in working proactively to reduce the use of restrictive practises and to increase cultures shaped by caring relationships, warmth, and deep understanding.
If you are also passionate about these things then we would love you to join us.
We want to hear your voice, integrate your voice into what we create and amplify your voice through our networks.
If you are interested in joining this quarterly forum, where we can discuss different topics, research, our own experiences, and hopes for the future then contact