CALM Conference Retrospective

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The CALM Conference 2024 took place in House for an Art Lover, Glasgow on 21st May 2024.

This comprehensive package includes recordings of all keynote addresses and workshops, allowing you to access a wealth of knowledge and insights at your convenience. Experience Dr. Lisa Cherry’s keynote on nurturing belonging as an antidote to trauma, emphasizing its crucial role in healing and connection for marginalised individuals. Dr. Shona Quin’s keynote on reducing restraint in child-care settings offers practical strategies and personal stories to inspire cultural change. Lorna Walker’s talk on Practicing Presence shows how our way of being with one another can move us towards more compassionate ways of looking after ourselves and others.​

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What Will You Learn?

  • Dr Lisa Cherry discussing her recent research on bleonging in her keynote- 'An Intentional Approach to Nuturing Belonging'.
  • Dr Shona Quin exploring the scaffolding required to support cultures to respond rather than react to people in their care, in her keynote- 'Space to Breathe'.
  • Lorna Walker looking at health, well-being and happiness and how to build compassion and our ability to connect with others in her keynote- 'Practicing Presence'.
  • Elaine McTaggart exploring how Trauma can lead to a whole new way of being, seeing and doing. Elaine shares a personal journey in- 'The Art of a Better Introduction'.
  • Linda Hume bringing together a model of support and the concept of quality of life in her workhop- 'Perspectives of Support- who's perspective are we viewing?'
  • Ailie Davie & Liam Feeney guiding you through the trauma informed approach model within East Park, including training, trauma profiles and debrief model in - 'Trauma Informed Approach for Support'.
  • Emily Laranja on understanding Dr Bruce Perry's neurosequential model and it's application within educational settings is the focus of Emily's workshop- 'Regulate, Relate, Reason'.
  • The Care Inspectorate on the work being undertaken with the residential childcare sector in relation to restrictive practices- 'Self-evaluation Tool: Reducing Restraint'.
  • Michael Lewis- watch the story unfold as participant engaged in a fictional social care scenario in- 'The Perspective Game'.
  • Elaine McIntosh invites you to reflect on your experiences of supervision in- 'Supervision: The Power Dynamic'.

Course Content


  • Welcome to the CALM Conference 2024 Retrospective!



Mindful Walk

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